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Healthy ageing requires plenty of magnesium

Healthy ageing requires plenty of magnesiumMagnesium is important for numerous physiological functions. In a new review article published in Nutrients, researchers have looked at the relation between the body’s magnesium levels and a variety of different ageing markers. Also, they hypothesize that optimal intake of magnesium throughout life is an easy and inexpensive way to obtain healthy ageing.

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Overview of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids


Overview of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids

Vitamins, minerals, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and Q10 are nutrients that we need in certain quantities in order to support vital body functions.
Nutritional supplements containing vitamins and minerals must be labeled in accordance with the reference values.

This overview serves as general information about the different vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids and how they work.

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the Vitamin and Mineral Guide

Vitamin D and probiotics improve the metal health of schizophrenic people

Vitamin D and probiotics improve the metal health of schizophrenic peopleSchizophrenia is known to impair quality of life and reduce life expectancy. Diet, lack of nutrients, and digestion are all important for the progression of the disease, according to an Iranian study of schizophrenics who were given supplements of vitamin D plus lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. The study is published in Neuropsychopharmacology Reports and reveals that these supplements were able to significantly improve the cognitive skills of the patients. The researchers also mention that these supplements have a role in regulating the body’s production of dopamine, controlling inflammatory processes, and controlling the gut-brain-axis that is important for the communication between the gut and the brain.

Vitamin D counteracts cancer via the gut flora

Vitamin D counteracts cancer via the gut floraDanish scientists from Aalborg University have published a study of mice in which they demonstrate that vitamin D prevents cancer by affecting a particular kind of gut bacteria. A subsequent analysis of 1.5 million Danes shows a similar relation between low vitamin D levels in the blood and an increased risk of several cancer types. What is also worth mentioning is that the official vitamin D recommendations appear to be too low to be able optimize blood levels of the nutrient.

Vitamin D decreases the risk of fibroids

Vitamin D decreases the risk of fibroidsWomen who get sufficient vitamin D is approximately one-third less likely to develop fibroids in the wall of the uterus, according to a U.S. study published in the journal Epidemiology. This study is the first to relate uterine fibroids to the level of vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiencies are involved in COVID-19 infections, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and other inflammatory diseases

Vitamin D deficiencies are involved in COVID-19 infections, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and other inflammatory diseasesVitamin D is essential for the immune defense. Because deficiencies of the nutrient are becoming increasingly common and vaccines only have limited effect, we can expect new waves of COVID-19 during the winter period. Vitamin D counteracts chronic inflammation which is seen in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Multiple studies have shown a link between low blood levels of vitamin D and the occurrence of these diseases. In a new meta-analysis that is published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, scientists look closer at the scientific data for risk factors involved with vitamin D deficiencies and the advantages of taking vitamin D supplements in connection with COVID-19, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases.

Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of overweight and harmful inflammation

vitdoverweightchildVitamin D deficiency increases the risk of overweight and harmful inflammationAccording to WHO, the number of overweight children has reached epidemic proportions. Overweight children risk being overweight as adults and develop hypertension, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, chronic inflammation, and other metabolic disturbances. Apparently, overweight individuals often lack vitamin D, a nutrient that is important for regulating weight, inflammation, and many metabolic processes. This was pointed out in an Italian study published in Nutrients, where the authors address vitamin D’s role in health and explain why so many overweight people are vitamin D-deficient.

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread among newborn babies

- especially babies of color

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread among newborn babiesVitamin D is vital for normal development of the baby’s bones, cognitive skills, IQ, immune defense, and a number of other things. According to a new British study, however, a third of white infants lack vitamin D. The problem is even more pronounced in dark-skinned babies. Here, around half of them lack vitamin D. More focus is needed on pregnant women from exposed groups to help ensure that they get adequate amounts of the nutrient.

Vitamin D deficiency of the brain increases your risk of obesity

Vitamin D deficiency of the brain increases your risk of obesityVitamin D deficiencies are widespread among people who are overweight or have type-2 diabetes. However, researchers have not been able to explain the exact link. A study done by researchers from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, suggests that it has something to do with vitamin D’s role in the brain, where the nutrient helps control both weight and blood sugar levels.

Vitamin D during pregnancy and overweight in boys

Vitamin D during pregnancy and overweight in boysDuring a woman’s pregnancy, vitamin D is important for the growth, development, and general health of the baby. Apparently, maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of boys developing more fat tissue during their first years of life, which makes them more prone to overweight in childhood and later in life. This was reported in a Spanish population study that is published in Nutrients. Because both overweight and vitamin D deficiency are so widespread, it is essential for pregnant women to make sure as a minimum to follow the official recommendations for vitamin D supplementation. Also, there is no read to avoid sun exposure because sunshine is our primary vitamin D source during the summer period. Just make sure not to get a sunburn.

Vitamin D during pregnancy protects the baby against eczema

Vitamin D during pregnancy protects the baby against eczemaAtopic dermatitis (eczema) is a widespread problem and a huge burden to both the child and its parents. According to a new study that is published in British Journal of Dermatology, high-dosed vitamin D supplementation of the mother during her pregnancy lowers the child’s risk of developing eczema within its first year of life. The pregnant women in the study got 25 micrograms of vitamin D daily, which is more than twice the amount that is currently recommended to expecting mothers. Health authorities already recommend all-year vitamin D supplementation to children up to the age of four years, so it appears that this measure can offer additional protection against eczema.

Vitamin D has a positive influence on sports performance and the heart

Vitamin D has a positive influence on sports performance and the heartAccording to a study that was presented to a group of endocrinologists at an Edinburgh conference, supplements of vitamin Dmay improve sports performance and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. One of the things vitamin D does is to block the stress hormone cortisol that makes your blood pressure go up. The problem is that many people lack vitamin D, not only in the winter time but even during the summer period.

Vitamin D in large doses lowers your cancer risk

Vitamin D in large doses lowers your cancer riskHaving high blood levels of vitamin D lowers the risk of several cancer forms, according to a new study of Japanese adults. The study is the first to take a closer look at how vitamin D affects an Asian population. Over the past decades, numerous studies have pointed to vitamin D’s role in cancer prevention. Meanwhile, other studies have demonstrated that there is widespread vitamin D deficiency. There is even evidence suggesting that our need for the nutrient exceeds the official recommendations, at least if we want to protect ourselves against cancer.

Vitamin D inhibits harmful inflammation

Vitamin D inhibits harmful inflammationMany people suffer from chronic inflammation, which sets the stage for a host of diseases such as asthma, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, depression, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune diseases. The presence of chronic inflammation may also make infections such as coronavirus and influenza potentially life-threatening by derailing the immune defense. According to a new study from the University of South Australia that is published in International Journal of Epidemiology, it appears that vitamin Dcan inhibit inflammation by way of different mechanisms, thereby reducing the risk of a variety of diseases and even premature death. The need for vitamin D varies from person to person. Also, it is essential to make sure that blood levels of the nutrient are optimal and that vitamin D is properly activated in the body.

Vitamin D inhibits inflammation

- which is involved in asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and most chronic diseases

Vitamin D inhibits inflammationThis time of year, many people suffer from asthma, aching joints, or an exacerbation of other chronic diseases that involve inflammation. This is often because they lack vitamin D, as the sun sits too low in the sky for us humans to be able to synthesize the vitamin. Also, the diet and normal vitamin pills only provide minimal amounts vitamin D. It has been known for a long time that vitamin D counteracts inflammation. Now, a large systematic study is planned to investigate how supplementing with large quantities of vitamin D can affect the molecular mechanisms that counteract inflammation.

Vitamin D is important for healthy sleep in both children and adults

Vitamin D is important for healthy sleep in both children and adultsLack of sleep is common among children and adults. It increases the risk of overweight, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, blood clots, depression, infections, and a number of other diseases. Lack of vitamin D is also common, but a team of Chinese scientists have revealed that there is a link between having too little vitamin D and not being able to sleep properly and waking up feeling refreshed.

Vitamin D is important for your gut flora and for your sleep, which is very essential

Vitamin D is important for your gut flora and for your sleep, which is very essentialSleep removes toxic waste products from the brain and lack of deep sleep increases the risk of poor well-being, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and a host of other diseases. According to the American sleep researcher, Dr. Stasha Gominak, poor sleep quality is often linked to vitamin D deficiency. First of all, we need vitamin D to synthesize acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is necessary for reaching the deep sleep stage. Secondly, certain gut bacteria need vitamin D in order to produce vitamin B5 and other B vitamins that are necessary for proper sleep. On the other hand, taking high-dosed supplements with vitamin B5 and B12 may in some cases make it difficult to fall asleep. A healthy sleep pattern requires both vitamin D and B vitamins in the exact right amounts.

Vitamin D lowers the risk of skin cancer caused by arsenic exposure

Vitamin D lowers the risk of skin cancer caused by arsenic exposureMillions of people worldwide drink arsenic-polluted water regularly. Arsenic is a toxin that is known to cause different types of cancer, including skin cancer. According to a new study published in American Journal of Cancer Research, it looks as if the active form of vitamin D, calcitriol, can prevent the onset of arsenic-induced skin cancer in a special type of skin cells. Calcitriol also appears to be able to prevent other types of cancer caused by arsenic.

Vitamin D lowers your risk of type 2 diabetes

- but the official recommendations are too low

Vitamin D lowers your risk of type 2 diabetesAccording to an American study, individuals with higher blood levels of vitamin D are far less likely to develop type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, the early stage of the disease, which is characterized by insulin resistance, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol levels. Because it takes many years for type 2 diabetes to develop, it is essential to have sufficiently high vitamin D levels from the early years in life. Both the new American study and earlier research point to the fact that it is not possible to obtain high blood levels of the nutrient without getting plenty of sun during the summer period and taking a high-dosed vitamin D supplement in the winter.

Vitamin D makes melanoma less aggressive

Vitamin D makes melanoma less aggressiveMelanoma can be very dangerous if it is not treated in time, but a study from the University of Leeds in England shows that vitamin D affects melanoma cells and makes them less aggressive. According to the scientists behind the study, this revelation may lead to new therapies. It is a problem, however, that health authorities warn people against sun exposure without informing about alternative ways to optimize vitamin D levels. The sun during the summer period is our main source of vitamin D, so we just have to make sure not to get burned. At our latitudes, it is a good idea to take a vitamin D supplement during the winter period. According to other studies, the nutrient prevents cancer by way of several different mechanisms.

Vitamin D may protect younger adults against bowel cancer

Vitamin D may protect younger adults against bowel cancerColorectal cancer is one of the most common cancer forms in Denmark, which is why prevention is so important. According to a new American study that is published in Gastroenterology, increased intake of vitamin Dappears to protect against bowel cancer, especially in people younger than 50 years. It even looks as if vitamin D may prevent intestinal polyps that can turn into cancer in some cases. The scientists say that higher intake of vitamin D may be relevant for prevention and may also serve as an inexpensive supplement to screening tests that are merely used for early diagnosis.

Vitamin D reduces virus and airway infections

- and may save the lives of many weak and older people

Vitamin D reduces virus and airway infectionsSupplementing with high doses of vitamin D may lower the rate of acute airway infections by up to 40 per cent. This simple trick may have the potential to save millions of lives, as many older people, cancer patients and others people with impaired resistance die of pneumonia.

Vitamin D supplements can prevent stroke and speed up rehabilitation

Vitamin D supplements can prevent stroke  and speed up rehabilitationLack of vitamin D is a global health problem that increases mortality rates. At this point, many studies have shown that having adequate amounts of vitamin D in the blood can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death. In a new review article that is published in Nutrients, the authors look closer at vitamin D supplementation to see if it can prevent stroke and speed up rehabilitation. It is essential that vitamin D supplements have good bioavailability so they can optimize blood levels of the nutrient.

Vitamin D supplements help children with autism

Vitamin D supplements help children with autismThere is an increasing amount of science that links lack of vitamin D to autism. In a new study, 109 autistic children were given either a vitamin D supplement or placebo. According to the lead researcher, Dr. Khaled Saad, there was a distinct improvement in autism symptoms such as hyperactivity, social reclusion, and other function impairments in the children who took supplements of vitamin D, but not in the placebo group. The study is published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (2016)­.
It is alarming that many babies are born with a vitamin D deficiency, or become vitamin D deficient later in life. The nutrient controls numerous processes in the brain – including gene control and regulation of serotonin (neurotransmitter) levels and inflammation processes.

Vitamin D supplements lower the need for opioids in palliative cancer care

Vitamin D supplements lower the need for opioids in palliative cancer careCancer patients often have overwhelming pain that turns up as their disease progresses. The whole purpose with palliative care is to relieve the pain, and opioids such as morphine are often used for this purpose. However, according to a Swedish study published in the science journal Cancer, more and more terminal cancer patients who are given high-dosed supplements of vitamin Dhave less need for pain treatment and generally feel less tired. Vitamin D deficiencies are common among cancer patients and may contribute to a shorter life expectancy.

Vitamin D supplements may reduce severe asthma attacks

Vitamin D supplements may reduce severe asthma attacksAccording to a Cochrane review, supplementing asthma medication with vitamin D may halve the risk of having a severe asthma attack and improve quality of life for those who suffer from this condition.

Vitamin D supplements prevent acute respiratory infections

- that cause many sick days and even deaths

Vitamin D supplements prevent acute respiratory infectionsVitamin D supplements prevent colds, influenza, and intercurrent complications. This was seen in a large meta-analysis emphasizing that vitamin D is not only important for bone health but also for the immune system, which may require larger quantities. Because many old people or weakened individuals die of pneumonia, supplementing with vitamin D may potentially save millions of lives.

Vitamin D supplements prevent dementia

Vitamin D supplements prevent dementiaThe number of older people is increasing rapidly, which means more and more people suffer from different types of dementia. Vitamin D supplementation may help prevent dementia or delay its progression, according to a population study that is published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring. It is important to have optimal blood levels of the nutrient throughout life, simply because it often takes years for dementia to develop, and because vitamin D has many different functions that are relevant for brain health.

Vitamin D supplements: Fewer cancers and possibly a longer life expectancy

- plus large cuts in public healthcare

Vitamin D supplements: Fewer cancers and possibly a longer life expectancyLack of vitamin D is rather common. It increases the risk of infections and a host of serious diseases. German cancer researchers have estimated that if all Germans from 50 years and older took a daily vitamin D supplement it would prevent 30,000 cancer-related deaths annually and gain over 300,000 years of life. In addition to that, it would lead to huge reductions in public healthcare. The health-related and financial benefits of optimizing the population’s vitamin D status fits in nicely with previous research and calculations from Denmark.

Vitamin D, sunlight and sun protection

- find the right balance and make sure to get enough of the essential vitamin

Vitamin D, sunlight and sun protectionIt is a known fact that too much sun gives you wrinkles and increases your risk of skin cancer. However, fearmongering and new lifestyle habits have resulted in widespread vitamin D deficiency, especially because of getting too little sun exposure and using too much suncream. This could have grave consequences. Several studies show that people who stay out of the sun have an increased risk of neurological disorders, sclerosis, and premature death from heart disease and cancer. Make sure to expose yourself to sufficient amounts of sunlight during the summer period, so your skin can synthesize enough vitamin D – but be responsible. If this is a challenge, vitamin D supplements are a good alternative.

Vitamin D’s effect on sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases

Vitamin D’s effect on sclerosis and other autoimmune diseasesSclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, certain gastrointestinal infections, and a host of other diseases are so-called autoimmune diseases that occur as a result of the immune defense overreacting and attacking the body’s own tissues. Scientists from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland have now mapped out exactly how vitamin D regulates the immune system. In fact, vitamin D may have a positive effect on autoimmune diseases such as sclerosis. But at our latitude, this provides that we get enough vitamin D from the sun in the summertime and take vitamin D supplements in the winter period. Besides, it is a problem that being overweight both increases the risk of vitamin D deficiency and sclerosis, while lack of magnesium makes it difficult for the body to activate vitamin D.

Vitamin D’s immune-regulating and anti-viral functions

Vitamin D’s immune-regulating and anti-viral functionsMany of us contract respiratory infections during the winter period. In many cases, the underlying cause is a deficiency of vitamin D, a key nutrient for immune health. Vitamin D also regulates the body’s inflammatory response, thereby preventing it from getting out of hand and becoming complicated or life-threatening. In a new review article, researchers looked at vitamin D’s role in preventing and fighting acute respiratory infections such as COVID-19 and influenza with particular focus on children and youngsters. The scientists point out that many people need to take higher doses of vitamin D to optimize levels of the nutrient in their blood.

Vitamin D’s optimal effect on health and lifespan requires higher blood levels of the nutrient

Vitamin D’s optimal effect on health and lifespan requires higher blood levels of the nutrientVitamin D plays a major role in our health. The main focus, however, is on vitamin D’s importance for bones, while many health professionals are totally unaware of the nutrient’s other essential functions. According to a review article published in Nutrients, half the global population has low vitamin D levels in the blood, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, respiratory infections like COVID-19, and early death. The authors also mention that vitamin D science is often inadequate or misleading because studies focus on supplementation rather than looking at blood levels of 25(OH)D. Consequently, trials are often made with far too small vitamin D doses or with too a short a trial period. In either case, blood levels of vitamin D fail to reach their optimum. What is more, levels of 25(OH)D in the blood should ideally be above 75 nmol/L in order to protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death. Because this threshold level is higher than the official threshold levels, the scientists recommend high-dosed vitamin D levels as a way to reach an optimal nutrient status.

Vitamin D’s role in children’s mental health

vitdmentalhealthchildVitamin D is involved in the development of the brain structure and in brain functions. According to a review article that is published in Nutrients, vitamin D is of particularly great importance to the mental health of children and teenagers due to its long-term effect. This subject is highly topical as it is known that the widespread lack of vitamin D among children increases their risk of anxiety, depression, aggressive behavior, and other mental problems. It is vital for children and teenagers to get plenty of sun and supplements if necessary so they are sure to meet the new guidelines for vitamin D.

Vitamin D’s role in the immune defense inhibits the ageing process

Vitamin D’s role in the immune defense inhibits the ageing processMost cells in the body have receptors for vitamin D, a nutrient that works as a steroid hormone. The different immune cells in the body are particularly dependent on vitamin D. Not only is this important for our ability to fight infections, but it also helps the body regulate inflammatory processes, which are the common thread in most chronic diseases and in ageing, according to a study that is published in Nutrients. The authors, Professor Carten Carlberg and Dr. Eunike Velleur, two of the world’s leading experts on vitamin D, explain why we need much more vitamin D than officially recommended when it comes fighting age.

We need a lot more vitamin D than the official recommendations

We need a lot more vitamin D than the official recommendationsLack of vitamin D is linked to an increased risk of virus infections, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, dementia, cancer, and osteoporosis. However, the official recommendations for vitamin D intake are way too low, according to two new studies that were presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions in Philadelphia in 2023. In addition, a German study of athletes has shown that it is better to take individually tailored vitamin D supplements to optimize blood levels of the nutrient instead of using a “one-size-fits-all” solution.

WHO: The leading cause of death globally is chronic inflammation

WHO: The leading cause of death globally is chronic inflammationAccording to WHO, chronic inflammation is the leading cause of death worldwide. Although it is not something that can be felt as such, chronic inflammation sets the stage for a host of different diseases. In a new review article that is published in StatPearls, the authors look closer at why chronic inflammation is so dangerous and how a healthier lifestyle with vitamin D, selenium, magnesium, zinc, and fish oil can help fight the inflammation and prevent the many different diseases and early death that follow in its wake.

Widespread breast cancer and lack of vitamin D

Widespread breast cancer and lack of vitamin DThe summer sun is our primary source of vitamin D, and previous population studies have suggested that vitamin D may help prevent breast cancer from developing. Danish scientists have looked closer at this relation and found that women from 50 years of age and older who spend a lot of time outdoors – especially between 10 am and 3 pm – have a lower risk of breast cancer. This is important knowledge because it takes years for breast cancer to develop. Vitamin D appears to have a number of different anti-cancer mechanisms, which is why it is vital for us humans to get plenty of the nutrient throughout life.

Your genes determine your need for vitamin D during the winter period

- and throughout life

Your genes determine your need for vitamin D during the winter period Vitamin D is important for a strong immune defense, healthy bones and cardiovascular system, cancer prevention, and for the support of many other essential body functions. However, it is not enough to follow the official guidelines for intake levels or to rely on blood tests. According to Carsten Carlberg, a professor at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), the explanation lies in the fact that we humans respond widely different to vitamin D, so the optimal vitamin D dose varies from one individual to another. Based on years of research, Carsten Carlberg therefore advises all adults living at northern latitudes to take 100 micrograms of vitamin D daily throughout the winter period, just to be safe. Earlier studies indicate that the official recommendations for vitamin D are based on a miscalculation that has had fatal consequences for public health.

Zinc is crucial for vitamin D’s function – and vice versa

Zinc is crucial for vitamin D’s function – and vice versaZinc is of vital importance to the immune defense, our mental balance, fertility, skin, hair, sense of taste, and numerous other functions. According to a new study that is published in Current Research in Physiology, zincinteracts closely with vitamin D and is important for our cells’ ability to absorb vitamin D. Conversely, vitamin D supports the uptake of zinc in the intestines and supports various zinc-dependent cell functions. According to the new study, lack of one or both nutrients can result in a host of different problems such as infections, poor wound healing, muscle diseases, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, osteoporosis, cancer, and many other diseases. This is a problem because zinc and vitamin D deficiencies are rather common – mainly because of unhealthy eating habits, lack of sunlight, ageing, overweight, and the use of certain types of medicine.

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him:

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him "After about one week of taking the Q10 supplement I could feel a huge difference," says 23-year old Alan Piccini, who has been suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle aches ever since he was a child.

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Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:

Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:“Taking capsules with co-enzyme Q10 has freed me of the severe side effects of my cholesterol lowering medicine,” Mrs Franken explains.
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