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Iodine’s role in child growth, metabolism, and fertility

 Iodine’s role in child growth, metabolism, and fertilityIodine is involved in the body’s production of thyroid hormones, and we humans need plenty of iodine throughout life, especially during periods such as fetal development and child development. Iodine is also important for brain development and cognitive skills. Severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy and during a child’s first years of life may result in stunted growth and/or mental retardation, but there has been uncertainty about how a minor iodine deficiency affects the child before and after birth. In a review article that is published in Nutrients, the authors look closer at iodine’s role in fertility and child growth. Apparently, iodine deficiencies are quite common, and we even need selenium and other nutrients to secure a well-functioning thyroid gland.

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Overview of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids


Overview of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids

Vitamins, minerals, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and Q10 are nutrients that we need in certain quantities in order to support vital body functions.
Nutritional supplements containing vitamins and minerals must be labeled in accordance with the reference values.

This overview serves as general information about the different vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids and how they work.

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the Vitamin and Mineral Guide

Glucosamine sulfate is effective for osteoarthritis

Glucosamine sulfate is effective for osteoarthritisOsteoarthritis is a widespread disease that eventually affects the majority of us. The symptoms often feel worse during the wintertime. A European group of experts now recommends glucosamine sulfate as first-line treatment, before painkillers, as glucosamine sulfate is the only remedy that can prevent further progression of the disease and therefore effectively reduces the pain.

Read more about why Glucosamine sulfate is effective for osteoarthritis

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Selenium counteracts cancer - and is likely to break the curve

Selenium counteracts cancer - and is likely to break the curveAlthough cancer treatments have improved drastically, science has still not managed to break the curve. On the contrary. A growing number of people contract cancer, and that is why we should focus more on the trace element, selenium, which possesses several mechanisms against cancer. However, it requires that we get enough selenium and that is in a form that the body is able to utilize optimally.

Read more about why selenium is so important for battling cancer

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Menopause, hot flushes, and natural solutions

Menopause, hot flushes, and natural solutionsDuring menopause, many women experience hot flushes, mood swings, impaired sleep, sensitive mucous membranes, aching joints, and several other problems. However, most of these symptoms occur as a result of our lifestyle not being properly adjusted to our evolutionary heritage. For that reason, simple dietary adjustments and supplements with essential nutrients can often reduce the annoying symptoms.

Read more about how you can manage the problems associated with menopause

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Magnesium helps against constipation and irritable bowel syndrome

Magnesium helps against constipation and irritable bowel syndromeIt is usually dietary fiber and water that get mentioned when the discussion is about constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. However, we also need an adequate intake of magnesium, as this minerals affects our digestion by way of several different mechanisms. Constipation is associated with numerous complaints and conditions such as headache, bad mood, eczema, and aching joints, so it is important to rid the body of toxins and empty the bowel, preferably 1-2 times daily.

Read more about magnesium and its effect on the digestive system

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Remember vitamin D to prevent infections

Remember vitamin D to prevent infectionsMore and more people boost their immune with help from Echinacea, ginger, smoothies, and juices packed with vitamin C, antioxidants and secondary immune-strengthening compounds. Nonetheless, none of these otherwise useful strategies can compensate for the widespread lack of vitamin D that is the underlying reason why so many of us contract virus infections during the winter period.

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Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him:

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him "After about one week of taking the Q10 supplement I could feel a huge difference," says 23-year old Alan Piccini, who has been suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle aches ever since he was a child.

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Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:

Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:“Taking capsules with co-enzyme Q10 has freed me of the severe side effects of my cholesterol lowering medicine,” Mrs Franken explains.
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