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Vitamin D lowers the risk of life-threatening COVID-19 infections and ICU admission

Vitamin D lowers the risk of life-threatening COVID-19 infections and ICU admissionEver since the COVID-19 pandemic started, scientists have focused on vitamin D. This nutrient strengthens and regulates the immune defense in a number of different ways. Numerous studies have shown that lack of vitamin D increases the risk of being infected with COVID-19 and running into complications. High-dosed vitamin D supplementation of COVID-19 patients can lower their risk of being admitted to the intensive care unit and dying of the disease, according to a new meta-analysis that is published in Nutrients.

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Remember to download Heart Healthy Seniors

Remember to download Heart Healthy Seniors
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Read how you can reduce your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease

The book describes how a new treatment that was tested by 443 seniors improved their heart health and reduced the incidence of cardiac death by 54%.

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◊ Ubiquinone or ubiqinol  - does it really matter?

◊ Glucosamine

◊ Women benefit from Omega-3

◊ Organic or inorganic chromium

◊ Essential Nutrients

◊ What is selenium?

◊ About vitamin E: Natural alfa-tocopherol

A daily multivitamin improves memory in the elderly

A daily multivitamin improves memory in the elderlyThe number of older people is constantly increasing, and more and more people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Apparently, seniors who take a daily multivitamin can improve their memory and slow down their cognitive decline, according to a meta-analysis that is published in Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Older people generally have increased need for certain vitamins and minerals because of poor nutrient absorption in the digestive system, impaired enzyme functions, oxidative stress, and regular use of medical drugs that can interact with the nutrients. But how do different vitamins and minerals affect brain health?

A large intake of vitamin B6 lowers your risk of pancreatic cancer

A large intake of vitamin B6 lowers your risk of pancreatic cancerPancreatic cancer remains one of the deadliest cancers even with improved therapies. Because many people are diagnosed too late and the prognoses are generally poor it is essential to focus a lot more on prevention for instance by striving to maintain normal weight and avoiding smoking. According to a new meta-analysis published in Nutrition Journal, it appears that large quantities of vitamin B6 from diet or supplements have the potential to lower the risk of pancreatic cancer. Earlier studies have also shown that vitamin B6 lowers the risk of bowel cancer.

B vitamins and certain beverages protect against Alzheimer’s disease

B vitamins and certain beverages protect against Alzheimer’s diseaseLack of vitamin B12 and folic acid increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, which is because these B vitamins regulate blood levels of homocysteine that must be below a certain threshold. Apparently, men and women react differently to B vitamins and folic acid with regard to cognitive functions, according to a study that is published in Nutrients. The risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease is also lower among younger people and among those who drink tea or coffee. Unfortunately, many older people lack these particular B vitamins because of poor diet habits, low stomach acid, or the use of various medical drugs.

High-dosed vitamin B6 reduces anxiety and depression

High-dosed vitamin B6 reduces anxiety and depressionSeveral studies have revealed that B vitamins strengthen the nervous system and reduce symptoms of stress. However, very few studies have looked at how the individual B vitamins work. A new placebo-controlled study that is published in the science journal, Human Psychopharmacology, appears to show that high-dosed vitamin B6 boosts the body’s formation of a certain neurotransmitter that blocks the exchange of undesirable impulses between brain cells, and this has a calming effect. In addition, vitamin B6 seems to reduce symptoms of depression.

Overweight and metabolic syndrome are linked to vitamin B deficiency

Overweight and metabolic syndrome are linked to vitamin B deficiencyMetabolic syndrome, which is an early stage of diabetes, is spreading like a bushfire. This condition is characterized by overweight, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and disrupted blood sugar metabolism. The diet plays a major role, and scientists have found a direct link between the intake and serum levels of vitamin B6, folic acid (vitamin B9), and vitamin B12, according to a large American population study that is published in JAMA Network Open. The authors also address how these B vitamins can help improve the glucose metabolism and prevent metabolic syndrome.

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him:

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him "After about one week of taking the Q10 supplement I could feel a huge difference," says 23-year old Alan Piccini, who has been suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle aches ever since he was a child.

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Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:

Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:“Taking capsules with co-enzyme Q10 has freed me of the severe side effects of my cholesterol lowering medicine,” Mrs Franken explains.
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