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Healthy ageing requires plenty of magnesium

Healthy ageing requires plenty of magnesiumMagnesium is important for numerous physiological functions. In a new review article published in Nutrients, researchers have looked at the relation between the body’s magnesium levels and a variety of different ageing markers. Also, they hypothesize that optimal intake of magnesium throughout life is an easy and inexpensive way to obtain healthy ageing.

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Remember to download Heart Healthy Seniors

Remember to download Heart Healthy Seniors
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Read how you can reduce your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease

The book describes how a new treatment that was tested by 443 seniors improved their heart health and reduced the incidence of cardiac death by 54%.

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◊ Ubiquinone or ubiqinol  - does it really matter?

◊ Glucosamine

◊ Women benefit from Omega-3

◊ Organic or inorganic chromium

◊ Essential Nutrients

◊ What is selenium?

◊ About vitamin E: Natural alfa-tocopherol

Selenium supplements protect against colon cancer

- and routine screening is not enough

Selenium supplements protect against colon cancerCancer in the colon and rectum is rather common. One in 20 Danes gets colon cancer at some point in life. Since 2014, the Danish Health Authority has recommended a screening program, offering middle-aged and older people a screening for colon cancer every other year. If the disease is discovered in its early stage, the chances of successful treatment increase. Supplementation with organic selenium yeast has been shown to lower the risk of colorectal cancer in the first place, and selenium even has a protective effect against other cancer forms, so the nutrient is an essential part of the prevention. The problem is that selenium deficiencies are so common as a result of our nutrient-depleted soil.

Read more about how selenium protects against colon cancer – and routine screening is not enough

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Low selenium in children’s fingernails may be related to overweight

Low selenium in children’s fingernails may be related to overweightEarlier studies have found a link between low selenium and overweight, but only few and limited studies have investigated this connection in children. Therefore, Chinese researchers wanted to take a closer look, and selenium levels in nail clippings give a rather accurate picture of the body’s general selenium status. Selenium deficiency is common in many parts of the world, including parts of China and Europe.

Read more about how low levels of selenium in children’s fingernails may be linked to overweight

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Many over50s lack vitamin B12 and folic acid

- and it increases their risk of fatigue, sleep problems, dementia, and neurological diseases

Many over50s lack vitamin B12 and folic acidAccording to a big Irish study, a large part of the population from aged 50 and older lack vitamin B12 and folic acid. This increases their risk of a number of chronic diseases and lack of cognitive skills because the vitamin deficiencies are not discovered and treated. Because older people can lack vitamin B12 and folic acid for a number of reasons, scientists suggest enriching staples. Dietary guidance and supplements are also useful strategies to be on the safe side.

Read more about why many over50s lack vitamin B12 and folic acid, and how it increases their risk of fatigue, sleep problems, dementia, and neurological diseases.

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Lack of zinc harms your fertility

- and has a long-term effect on the maturation of a woman’s eggs

Lack of zinc harms your fertilityIt is well established that zinc is important for the maturation of the eggs in the fallopian tube during a woman’s menstrual cycle. However, a new American study has shown that zinc is involved in even earlier stages of the maturation of the eggs. A zinc deficiency therefore reduces the chance of the eggs being fertilized and dividing later on, which they are supposed to during pregnancy. Lack of zinc is rather common and may harm your fertility for several months to come.

Read more about how lack of zinc harms your fertility and may have a long-term effect on the maturation of a woman’s eggs.

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Vitamin D is important for healthy sleep in both children and adults

Vitamin D is important for healthy sleep in both children and adultsLack of sleep is common among children and adults. It increases the risk of overweight, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, blood clots, depression, infections, and a number of other diseases. Lack of vitamin D is also common, but a team of Chinese scientists have revealed that there is a link between having too little vitamin D and not being able to sleep properly and waking up feeling refreshed.

Read more about how vitamin D helps children and adults to better and healthier sleep

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Folic acid supplements lower your risk of stroke caused by elevated blood pressure

Folic acid supplements lower your risk of stroke caused by elevated blood pressureHypertension is a growing problem. Worldwide, it causes more premature deaths than any other risk factor. Chinese researchers have now found that supplementation with a combination of folic acid and anti-hypertensive medicine lowers the risk of stroke by nearly 75 percent. It is important to underline that many people have elevated blood pressure without knowing about it, and many things can cause a folic acid deficiency or poor utilization of the vitamin.

Read more about how folic acid supplements reduce the risk of stroke caused by hypertension

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Antioxidant supplements may reduce respiratory diseases in patients with cystic fibrosis

Antioxidant supplements may reduce respiratory diseases in patients with cystic fibrosisSupplementing with strong antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin E, selenium, and coenzyme Q10 may help patients with cystic fibrosis by reducing a number of the respiratory infections that come with the disease. This was seen in a study by researchers at the Children’s Hospital Colorado and the University of Colorado, United States.

Read more about how antioxidant supplements may help reduce respiratory diseases in patients with cystic fibrosis

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Lack of sunshine and vitamin D increases your risk of overweight, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes

Lack of sunshine and vitamin D increases your risk of overweight, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetesWomen from the age of 50 years and older have an increased risk of blood sugar problems, weight problems, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome, if they lack vitamin D, according to a new study from Sao Paulo in Brazil. If you want to control your blood sugar levels and lose weight, it is not sufficient to eat less and work out at the gym. You also need sun exposure (without getting burned), because the summer sun is our richest source of vitamin D. You may even want to take a vitamin D supplement during the winter period.

Read more about why lack of sunshine and vitamin D increases your risk of overweight, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes

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A daily egg lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease

- because of the many antioxidants

A daily egg lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease A new Chinese study that is published in the science journal, Heart, shows that eating an egg every day can lower your risk of stroke by 26 percent. The reason is that eggs contain selenium and other powerful antioxidants that protect against atherosclerosis, and we do not get all that much selenium from our diets. Therefore, forget all about the cholesterol scare and warnings against eating eggs. That dietary advice is outdated and has done more harm than good.

Read more about why eating an egg every day lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease because of the many antioxidants

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Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him:

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him "After about one week of taking the Q10 supplement I could feel a huge difference," says 23-year old Alan Piccini, who has been suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle aches ever since he was a child.

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Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:

Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:“Taking capsules with co-enzyme Q10 has freed me of the severe side effects of my cholesterol lowering medicine,” Mrs Franken explains.
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