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Lack of vitamin B3 increases your risk of dementia, neurological disorders, and aggression

Lack of vitamin B3 increases your risk of dementia, neurological disorders, and aggressionVitamin B3 plays a crucial role in our brain and nervous system, and it is also important for our mental well-being. Studies suggest that lack of vitamin B3 increases the risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia. Moreover, epidemiological studies show that diets without vitamin B3 in them tend to cause aggression and an increased rate of homicide. Too little B3 can be caused by dietary shortages and environmental factors, but it also appears that some people have an increased need for the nutrient due to genetic variations and problems with utilizing the vitamin.

Q10 – for better health and a long life

Q10 – for better health and a long life


BY Pernille Lund

ISBN 87 7776 111 1
År 2014
Page 72

Price: € 5.99


Q10 may help people with Parkinson’s disease

Q10 may help people with Parkinson’s diseaseAccording to a Japanese study, some people with Parkinson’s disease may find that coenzyme Q10 helps to relieve their symptoms. Q10 occurs in two forms, both of which have vital functions, but the scientists observed that only the one form had a positive effect on Parkinson’s disease. Nonetheless, when supplementing with Q10, both forms are equally good. What matters is that the active compound can be absorbed. Once it has been absorbed, the body can shift from one form to the other, a process that also requires selenium.

Q10’s potential in counteracting ageing, chronic disease, and drug side effects

Q10’s potential in counteracting ageing, chronic disease, and drug side effectsQ10 is a unique and wonderful coenzyme with a key function in energy turnover and a role as a powerful antioxidant. The body produces the lion’s share Q10 for its own needs but the endogenous synthesis of the compound decreases with age. Moreover, cholesterol-lowering statins and bisphosphonates used to treat osteoporosis disrupt the body’s Q10 synthesis. Over the past decades, numerous studies have shown that Q10 supplementation can slow down the ageing process. Q10 is also useful in connection with heart failure and several other chronic ailments that typically occur in old age. This is described in a review article that is published in Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. With Q10 supplements, it’s important to choose pharmaceutical-grade products with documented quality and bioavailability.

Q10’s protective effect against neurological diseases

Q10’s protective effect against neurological diseasesNeurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, depression, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, migraine, and fibromyalgia are rather common. These conditions are a result of imbalances in the nervous system, and they are often insidious. In a new review article that is published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, researchers have studied Q10’s role in the different neurological disorders. The reason for this is that Q10 is important for cellular energy turnover and serves as an antioxidant that protects the circulatory system and the nerve cells against oxidative damage. As we grow older, our endogenous Q10 synthesis decreases, and certain diseases and medical drugs also impair the body’s Q10 synthesis.

Q10’s role in health and disease

Q10’s role in health and diseaseQ10 is a unique compound with a key role in cellular energy turnover. It also serves as a powerful antioxidant. The body is able to synthesize most of the Q10 that it needs but as we grow older, our endogenous synthesis decreases, making us vulnerable in different ways. Cholesterol-lowering medicine and certain types of disease are also associated with lower levels of Q10 in the body. In a new review article, a group of scientists have scrutinized hundreds of Q10 studies that have been published in the years 2010-2020. They are able to conclude that Q10 is of particular importance to the heart, circulatory system, fertility, muscles, eyes and vision, and the ageing process. Things like migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease are also addressed. The body has difficulty with absorbing Q10 from food and supplements so it is recommendable to always choose a pharmaceutical-grade Q10 preparation with documented bioavailability.

Vitamin B1 counteracts alcohol-induced dementia

Vitamin B1 counteracts alcohol-induced dementiaAlcohol is one of the most compromising factors when it comes to public health, and alcohol abuse comes at an enormous cost, both to the individual and to society. A large alcohol consumption contributes as a factor to insidious dementia, but according to a new study from Taiwan, supplementing with vitamin B1 (thiamine) may prevent alcohol-induced dementia. The scientists that have conducted the study therefore point to vitamin B1 supplementation as having an important role in the treatment plan for people with alcohol abuse problems and to prevent dementia from developing or progressing.

Vitamin B12 inhibits an enzyme that is involved in Parkinson’s disease

Vitamin B12 inhibits an enzyme that is involved in Parkinson’s diseaseParkinson’s disease, also known as shaking palsy, is one of the most common chronic disorders among older people. There is no effective cure at this point, and the only way to address the disease is to suppress the symptoms but that does not treat the underlying cause. Even though most cases of Parkinson’s disease are sporadic, it turns out that the hereditary variants of the disease are linked to mutations in a particular gene. A team of scientists from University of the Basque Country in Spain has discovered that vitamin B12 blocks the enzyme that is involved in these mutations. An earlier study has also shown that in newly diagnosed Parkinson’s patients who have low levels of vitamin B12 the disease develops faster than in patients with higher levels of the nutrient.
The scientists therefore recommend supplementing with vitamin B12 to prevent or at least delay the disease. Earlier studies also show that vitamin B3 and Q10 may have a positive effect. So the reason that Parkinson’s disease is especially likely to affect old people is that they are at increased risk of lacking these essential nutrients.

Vitamin B12 supplements delay the onset of Parkinson’s disease

Vitamin B12 supplements delay the onset of Parkinson’s diseasePatients who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and who have low levels of vitamin B12develop their disease faster than those with higher levels of the vitamin, according to a new study. For that reason, the scientists recommend vitamin B12 supplements as a way of delaying the onset of the disease. Earlier studies even show that vitamin B3 and Q10 have a positive influence on the ailment.

Vitamin B3 and NAD for energy boosting, the nervous system, and anti-ageing

Vitamin B3 and NAD for energy boosting, the nervous system, and anti-ageingVitamin B3 deserves a lot more attention because of its key role in cellular energy metabolism, the brain and nervous system, our mental health, and our circulatory system. In the cellular powerhouses, we find the derivate form of B3 called NAD, which gives an energy boost. According to a study published in StatPearls, studies suggest that vitamin B3 lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle atrophy, and various cancer forms. Many people have an increased need for the nutrient due to factors such as ageing, genetic variations, and poor utilization of the vitamin.

Vitamin B3 has a positive effect on Parkinson’s disease

Vitamin B3 has a positive effect on Parkinson’s diseaseA new study shows that patients with early stages of Parkinson’s disease may benefit from getting more vitamin B3 from their diet or from supplements. This is because the nutrient supports cellular energy turnover and helps repair damaged nerve cell DNA. It is vital to get sufficient amounts of vitamin B3 as part of the prevention of the much-dreaded disease.

Vitamin B3 prevents glaucoma in mice and possibly even in humans

Vitamin B3 prevents glaucoma in mice and possibly even in humansMice that are genetically predisposed to glaucoma may avoid the eye disease if vitamin B3 is added to their drinking water. This was seen in a study that is published in the journal Science. The scientists behind the study say that vitamin B3 was surprisingly effective at eliminating the molecular alterations that normally occur with age-related glaucoma. They even see the vitamin as an inexpensive and potentially powerful tool for preventing this disease in the future. People should make sure to get plenty of vitamin B3, and it is also important to know that imbalanced diets, alcohol abuse, and the use of diuretics may easily result in a deficiency of the nutrient.

Vitamin B3’s therapeutic potential in Parkinson’s disease

Vitamin B3’s therapeutic potential in Parkinson’s diseaseParkinson’s patients have less vitamin B3 in their blood due to interactions with medicine and certain other factors. Vitamin B3 is important for our energy turnover and some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease may be caused by lack of B3. On the other hand, vitamin B3 supplements can help by reducing fatigue, improving handwriting, and improving your mood, according to a study that is published in Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience. The scientists assume that giving supplements of vitamin B3 to patients with Parkinson’s disease has the potential to improve quality of life and delay the progression of their disease.

Vitamin D and Parkinson’s disease

Vitamin D and Parkinson’s diseaseThere is a link between the widespread problems with vitamin D deficiency and the growing prevalence of Parkinson’s disease. In a review article that is published in the science journal Nutrients, a group of scientists look at vitamin D’s role in the nervous system and the brain. It is relevant to use supplements that optimize blood levels of vitamin D as part of the prevention and treatment of this disease.

Vitamin D plays an overlooked role in brain health

- and deficiencies increase your risk of anxiety, depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, schizophrenia, and other neurological diseases

Vitamin D plays an overlooked role in brain healthPsychological disorders represent society’s single largest disease burden, and an increasing number of people are affected by it. There can be a variety of causes, and lack of vitamin D appears to be an alarming risk factor. This is because vitamin D is involved in a host of different functions that are relevant for brain neurons, including signaling substances and the brain’s reward system that affects our mood. Vitamin D also helps protect the brain against toxins, atherosclerosis, and inflammation, according to a review article that is published in the science journal Cureus. But there are questions that need to be answered. How much vitamin D do we need? Can we get enough from sun exposure? Is there enough vitamin D in a regular vitamin pill? Why do children, seniors, pregnant women, overweight individuals, and dark-skinned people have an increased need for vitamin D? And which mineral is extremely important for the body’s ability to utilize vitamin D?

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him:

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him "After about one week of taking the Q10 supplement I could feel a huge difference," says 23-year old Alan Piccini, who has been suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle aches ever since he was a child.

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Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:

Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:“Taking capsules with co-enzyme Q10 has freed me of the severe side effects of my cholesterol lowering medicine,” Mrs Franken explains.
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