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Chromium supplements benefit patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Chromium supplements benefit patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseaseType 2 diabetes is spreading like a bushfire and even more people suffer from something called metabolic syndrome, a prediabetic stage characterized by insulin resistance, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, and apple-shaped figure caused by a blood sugar imbalance. Chromium supplementation helps improve insulin sensitivity and lowers weight and blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a placebo-controlled study that is published in the journal Biological Trace Element Research. It is advisable to lower your carbohydrate intake and to choose a chromium supplement with good bioavailability.

Read more about why chromium supplements benefit patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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Inflammaging increases your risk of chronic diseases, cancer, and life-threatening virus infections

Inflammaging increases your risk of chronic diseases, cancer, and life-threatening virus infectionsAgeing is linked to uncontrolled, low-grade inflammation, also known as inflammaging, according to articles published in the journals Nature Medicine and Ageing and Disease. Although chronic inflammation is not felt directly it may set the stage for cardiovascular disease, rheumatism, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. Chronic inflammation may also cause virus infections like influenza and COVID-19 to become life-threatening because the immune defense suddenly overreacts and attacks healthy tissue. It is therefore vital for ageing people to protect themselves against chronic inflammation, which means getting plenty of vitamin D, selenium, coenzyme Q10, zinc, omega-3, and melatonin. These are all things that many older people often lack.

Read more about inflammaging and how it increases the risk of chronic diseases, cancer, and life-threatening virus infections.

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Large doses of folic acid lower your risk of preeclampsia

Large doses of folic acid lower your risk of preeclampsiaPreeclampsia is a serious pregnancy disorder with elevated blood pressure, proteinuria, and life-threatening complications in severe cases. It has already been reported that folic acid supplements help prevent preeclampsia in pregnancy. According to a new study that is published in Pregnancy Hypertension, taking even larger quantities of folic acid seem to offer additional protection. Unfortunately, many pregnant women forget to take folic acid supplements that are normally recommended as a way of avoiding spina bifida.

Read more about why large doses of folic acid lower your risk of preeclampsia

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Sleep disturbances, daylight savings, and melatonin

Sleep disturbances, daylight savings, and melatoninChronic lack of sleep is a very common problem. Many people who suffer from this problem feel that it gets worse during the summer because it is difficult to fall asleep when it is still light outside. Being unable to sleep properly can be a substantial stress factor, especially if you have to get up early. Losing as little as one hour of sleep can affect your concentration, mood, immune defense, fertility, and your need for sugar and stimulants. Also, chronic lack of sleep increases your risk of overweight, accelerated ageing, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and a lot more. According to an article that is published in MedicalNewsToday, the natural hormone melatonin and a few practical guidelines can work wonders for your sleep and this is essential for your health.

Read more about sleep disturbances, daylight savings, and melatonin

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The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has banned toxic fluoride compounds in food packaging

- and these compounds increase the need for iodine

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has banned toxic fluoride compounds in food packagingWe humans are exposed to a host of toxic fluoride compounds from food packaging, cookie sheets, rain clothes, impregnation agents, tap water, toothpaste etc. Effective July 1., 2020, cardboard, parchment paper, and cookie sheets that contain fluoride compounds are banned in Denmark. Fluoride poisoning increases the risk of various thyroid disorders, breast cancer, kidney diseases, ADHD, and fetal damage. At the same time, it increases the need for iodine. In fact, the symptoms of fluoride poisoning are often the same as the those seen with iodine deficiency. Read more about how to avoid fluoride compounds in the environment and how to make sure to get enough iodine.

Read more about why the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has banned toxic fluoride compounds in food packaging – and why fluoride compounds increase the need for iodine

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Vitamin D levels can determine whether COVID-19 is harmless or life-threatening

Vitamin D levels can determine whether COVID-19 is harmless or life-threateningVitamin D-deficient patients are twice as likely to sustain life-threatening complications in the wake of a COVID-19 infection, according to a study from Northwestern University in the United States, where scientists collected data from 10 different countries. It is worth making a note of the fact that vitamin D deficiencies are particularly common among older people of color, nursing home residents, overweight people, and chronically ill individuals, all of which are well-known risk groups. In the future fight against COVID-19 and other epidemics, good hygiene, hand sanitizer, isolation, and delayed vaccines are not enough. We must take the right measures to regulate our immune system with vitamin D, which can determine whether we reject the virus, contract a mild infection, or die of the subsequent, life-threatening cytokine storm and organ failure.

Read more about why vitamin D levels can determine whether COVID-19 is harmless or life-threatening.

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Selenium adds length to your telomeres and increases your life expectancy

Selenium adds length to your telomeres and increases your life expectancyThe cells in our body are constantly renewed but they can only divide a limited number of times. It all depends on the length of their telomeres, which one can compare to the protective plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces. Every time a cell divides, its telomeres are reduced in length, bringing the cell closer to its terminal phase. Now, a Chinese study has revealed that higher selenium intake is linked to increased telomere length. Put differently, a higher selenium intake contributes to protecting the cells and allowing them to replicate more times. This may likely postpone the ageing process and extend our lifespan, and there are other studies that suggest the same. It is worth making a note of the fact that selenium deficiency is widespread in Europe and throughout the world.

Read more about how selenium lengthens your telomeres and increases your lifespan

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Zinc supplements for acne and other skin disorders

Zinc supplements for acne and other skin disordersZinc supplements have been given to patients with acne for years because of the anti-inflammatory properties of the nutrient. Still, it remains unclear whether zinc also helps treat other inflammatory skin diseases. Therefore, a group of scientists wanted to look closer at this and they discovered that zinc supplementation may be useful in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and diaper rash. Local treatment with zinc salve may also help.

Read more about zinc supplements for acne and other skin disorders

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