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Beauty care and anti-ageing secrets that pay off in the long run

But what causes the ageing processes, and why don't we simply prevent them by using Botox injections and plastic surgery?
According to Bruce Ames, an American biochemist, ageing is a process that is mainly characterized by a lack of vitamins and minerals. One of the underlying reasons for these deficiencies is that our nutrient uptake is less efficient when we grow older. As a consequence of this, many enzymatic processes slow down, and cells become increasingly fragile and vulnerable. Different stress factors may also deplete the body's nutrient stores and speed up the ageing process.
When it comes to natural beauty care and anti-ageing therapies, it is highly important to make sure to get enough Q10, vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium, zinc, and omega-3. This is even supported by scientific documentation. In contrast to plastic surgery, which is associated with infections, scar formation, nerve damage, allergic reactions, and unfavorable surgery results, the natural solutions come without side effects. Moreover, they contribute to the internal and external maintenance of the body, altogether.

Ageing processes after the age of 30

It is estimated that the physical capacity of a human decreases by 0.5 to 1 per cent per year after the age of 30. Science distinguishes between three types of ageing processes:

  • Internal deterioration: Occurs in all humans that live sufficiently long. Genes play a significant role.
  • External factors: Injuries and physical strains caused by excessive sports, sunburns, overweight, smoking, alcohol abuse, poisoning, unhealthy diets, lack of sleep, and other stress factors. Our lifestyle has everything to say.
  • Biological changes: A combination of inner and outer influences. Ageing generally makes the body more vulnerable to disease.

Free radicals threaten us from the inside and outside

Not only do all our cells depend on energy, they also need protection against some aggressive oxygen compounds known as free radicals. Just like oxidation causes iron to rust, free radicals oxidize the body. Free radicals are like dangerous terrorists that attack our cells, causing chain reactions that lead to numerous diseases and premature ageing.
The free radical load is increased massively by smoking, poisoning, chronic infection/inflammation, heavy metal exposure, medicine, radiation, burns, and ageing processes. The more free radicals we humans are exposed to, the more vulnerable we become. Needless to say, this is when we need to protect ourselves.

The importance of protective antioxidants

The only thing that can effectively protect against free radicals are different types of antioxidants. Our diet contributes with antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E plus selenium, zinc, and various plant compounds. Herbs, fruit, berries, tomatoes, vegetables, cocoa beans, and green tea are generally excellent antioxidant sources. However, our primary concern is to make sure to get enough of the essential vitamins and minerals. This includes coenzyme Q10, which is both a powerful and highly unique antioxidant and a vital provider of cellular energy.

Q10 and the fountain of youth

The human body is the main provider of Q10, but from the age of around 20 years our endogenous production of the compound gradually decreases. Many people feel the relative lack of Q10 when they are in their 40s and 50s. Fortunately, it is possible to replenish cellular Q10 levels with a supplement, and this is something we can continue taking for the rest of our lives. It is a convenient way to postpone and reduce the age-related loss of energy that causes the body to deteriorate. Healthy living combined with a Q10 supplement is probably the closest we can get to the fountain of youth. Because the body has difficulty with absorbing Q10 it is vital to choose a Q10 supplement that is manufactured in such a way that the Q10 molecules are able to pass through the intestinal membrane - and can document its bioavailability.

More energy in daily life

The most obvious and natural way to deal with low energy levels is to take a Q10 supplement - short- or long-term. As opposed to sweets and various stimulants which people typically use as a pick-me-up, Q10 is an integrated part of the body's biochemistry and does not burden the blood sugar balance or central nervous system.

An anti-ageing strategy that even saves lives

According to the results of a groundbreaking Swedish study named KiSel-10, daily supplementation with 200 milligrams of Q10 and 200 micrograms of organic selenium yeast reduced cardiovascular mortality by over 50% among elderly men and women and even improved their quality of life. The study was published in the International Journal of Cardiology in 2013. A recent follow-up of the study reveals that the intervention with these two supplements continued to have a positive effect on quality of life and lifespan, even after the participants stopped taking the supplements. Although the original study was carried out on elderly men and women, the outcome suggests that it may be advantageous to begin using these supplements earlier in life as a way of delaying the deterioration of the body.

Research on healthy individuals adds new perspective

The KiSel-10 study is quite unique in the sense that it deals with normal, healthy individuals. In other words, it demonstrates how supplements of Q10 and selenium help healthy people stay healthy. Normally, such studies are carried out on people with chronic disease.

Vitamin C - for all-round beauty care and maintenance

The human body needs vitamin C to make collagen, a protein that is vital for our complexion, skin elasticity, skin moisture, and formation of new skin cells. Vitamin C has numerous other functions in the body and is also an effective antioxidant that protects against free radicals.
Good sources of vitamin C are fruit and vegetables, but in order to get the same amount of vitamin C as you would get from a 750 mg tablet of non-acidic vitamin C you would have to eat around 53 apples.

Keep well and live longer with the right amount of sunlight and plenty of vitamin D

As you probably know, extreme sunbathing leads to wrinkling of the skin and an increased risk of skin cancer. Still, we need sun exposure to stay healthy, but moderation is the key word. Danish researchers carried out a study of 96,000 people and found that low vitamin D levels in the blood are associated with faster ageing and premature death. During the winter period where the sun sits too low in the sky to enable the body to produce vitamin D it may be a good idea to take a high-dosage vitamin D supplement.

Selenium works wonders for your skin, hair, and nails

The trace element selenium supports more than 30 different selenium­-dependent proteins (selenoproteins) that add strength to the structure of our skin, hair, nails, and muscles. Selenium is also a very powerful antioxidant that protects our cells against free radicals. A healthy cardiovascular system is extremely important for beautiful skin, as it carries nutrients to the cells and removes toxins and waste products.

Our metabolism requires selenium. A deficiency will affect your looks and quality of life

Saggy, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, overweight, and a double chin are common symptoms of slow metabolism, a problem that is widespread (especially among women). Lack of selenium is a possible and overlooked cause. It is always a good idea to have your doctor check your metabolism if you suspect that it does not function normally.

Did you know that saggy, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, overweight, and double chin may be a sign of slow metabolism?

Selenium sources and how to compensate for low selenium intake

Selenium is mainly found in fish and shellfish, organ meat, meat, eggs, Brazil nuts, and sunflower seeds. The European soil contains comparatively little selenium compared with other parts of the world, which is why the average European typically gets less selenium than recommended. In contrast, people in countries like the United States and Japan easily get four times more selenium from the diet than Europeans do. Those who decide to take a supplement as compensation for their low selenium intake should stick with organic selenium yeast, which contains a variety a different organic selenium species similar to what you get by eating a varied diet.

Why do so many Americans have such nice hair?

One explanation may be that American crops contain a lot more selenium than European crops. That way, the Americans get much more selenium.                    

Zinc and vitamin A for skin, hair, nails, eczema and wound healing

Zinc supports around different 200 different enzymatic processes and is very important for our skin, hair, and nails. Zinc deficiencies are a contributing factor to many skin disorders and poor wound healing. Zinc is required in order for us to utilize vitamin A, which is important for the condition of our skin and for a number of other functions.
Most diets contain far too little zinc. Also, the consumption of sugar, birth control pills, and iron supplements may impair the uptake of zinc. If you take a zinc supplement, make sure that it is organic, as this ensures the best absorption.

Why smokers should focus on getting selenium and other antioxidants

Smoking generates cascades of free radicals that can damage skin cells and burden the cardiovascular system. This explains why smokers often have wrinkly and sallow skin. In fact, smokers should pay careful attention to their intake of antioxidants like vitamin A and vitamin C, zinc, and selenium. Selenium has a particular ability to neutralize cancerous heavy metals like cadmium.

Empty calories leach nutrients from skin, hair, nails, and bones.

Sugar, white flour, junk-food, and alcohol consist of empty calories, and when they get converted into energy, the cells are forced to use any available vitamins and minerals to fuel different enzymatic processes involved in the energy metabolism. This may affect your skin, hair, nails, and bones. In the long run, the body's extra consumption of nutrients to fuel these processes contribute to the deterioration of the body on the inside and outside, causing us to age prematurely.
No matter how you twist and turn it, it makes perfect sense to avoid empty calories and compensate for any lack of vitamins and minerals.

An anti-ageing tablet for skin, hair, and nails

Specific anti-ageing tablets are available on the market. They contain vitamins C and E, organic selenium yeast, organically bound zinc, biotin (vitamin B8), plus extract of deep-sea fish, horsetail, Pycnogenol (French Maritime Pine), tomato, and blueberries. This cocktail of powerful antioxidants and active ingredients support and nourish the skin, hair, and nails.

Always remember to drink plenty of water. The liquid balance is determining for your complexion.

B vitamins

All B vitamins work together like a biological team and are particularly important for our energy levels, nervous system, hormonal system, blood cells, skin, and hair. Stress, junk-food, stimulants, birth control pills, and diuretics deplete the body's vitamin B stores.

Fatty acids for your skin and brain

Your skin and brain need healthy fats, so if you want to stay in good shape, physically and mentally, make sure to consume adequate amounts of all the beneficial fats. The essential fatty acids are known as omega-3 and omega-6. They are a part of the structure of all cell membranes and keep skin and other soft tissues pliable. Omega-6 is primarily found in plant oils, nuts, kernels, and seeds, while omega-3 is primarily found in fish. The different fatty acids have different functions, and it is vital that they are unspoiled (not oxidized) and ingested in the right balance. Most of us need to consume more omega-3 from fish or supplements.

Outer and inner maintenance are closely related

The Japanese have the highest life expectancy (82.12 years) and many of them become centenarians. Most Japanese have very nice complexion and look 10-15 years younger than their actual age. It is believed that their large consumption of fish and shellfish with the high levels of selenium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids plays an important role.


Pernille Lund: Sund og smuk - hele livet. Ny Videnskab 2016

Afzal Shoaib et al. Genetically low vitamin D concentration and increased mortality: mendelian randomization analysis in three large cohorts. British Medical Journal. 2014

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