The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has banned toxic fluoride compounds in food packaging

- and these compounds increase the need for iodine

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has banned toxic fluoride compounds in food packagingWe humans are exposed to a host of toxic fluoride compounds from food packaging, cookie sheets, rain clothes, impregnation agents, tap water, toothpaste etc. Effective July 1., 2020, cardboard, parchment paper, and cookie sheets that contain fluoride compounds are banned in Denmark. Fluoride poisoning increases the risk of various thyroid disorders, breast cancer, kidney diseases, ADHD, and fetal damage. At the same time, it increases the need for iodine. In fact, the symptoms of fluoride poisoning are often the same as the those seen with iodine deficiency. Read more about how to avoid fluoride compounds in the environment and how to make sure to get enough iodine.

Fluoride is an element that is found in nature and is bound chemically to different minerals. The natural fluoride compound in our diet is called calcium fluoride and is harmless. However, we have in our environment a number of perfluorinated fluoride compounds (PFOA, PFAS, PFC and carbon fluoride) that are highly hazardous.
Fluoride compounds are used for industrial purposes and are found in a variety of products that have dirt-, grease-, and water-repellant properties, for instance parchment paper, pizza trays, muffin trays, bags for microwave popcorn, frying pans, textiles, rain clothes, snowsuits, and impregnation agents. The fluoride compounds are problematic because they accumulate through the food chain and stay in the environment indefinitely. According to studies conducted by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the Danish groundwater in certain places is also contaminated with fluoride.
As the first country in the EU, Denmark has now decided to ban fluoride compounds, effective July 1, 2020. This is because the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has changed its risk assessment of fluoride compounds.

Why are fluoride compounds so dangerous?

In the periodic table that deals with the relation between the different elements, both fluoride and iodine are listed as so-called halogens that have a number of characteristic traits in common and are highly reactive. This means that fluoride compounds are able to interreact and block out iodine, a mineral that is necessary for the body’s production of thyroid hormone. Recent studies reveal that iodine is important for the ovaries and the estrogen balance, the turnover of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and the programmed self-destruction (apoptosis) of cancer cells.
The dangerous fluoride compounds are also able to affect the turnover of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and manganese, thereby harming a number of important enzyme processes.
The research shows that daily exposure to various fluoride compounds increases the risk of:

Low iodine intake and fluoride exposure is a bad combination

There is iodine in fish, shellfish, algae, seaweed, fish sauce, and eggs. Sea salt only contain limited quantities of iodine and does not cover our need for the nutrient.
In year 2000, mandatory iodine enrichment of table salt was introduced in Denmark because the iodine intake was below the official recommendations. However, even though the iodine intake has increased a little, it is still insufficient, especially among pregnant women.
Evidence points to low dietary iodine as a contributing factor of the increased rate of thyroid disorders, breast cancer, and many other diseases. It also appears that various fluoride compounds impair the body’s iodine status, thereby increasing the risk of these diseases.

  • Iodine deficiency is a serious problem because it can affect a lot of different functions such as the metabolism, estrogen balance, and cancer prevention.
  • Fluoride poisoning and iodine deficiency have many things in common
  • Fluoride poisoning increases the need for iodine

Iodine recommendations, our actual need, and supplementation

The reference intake (RI) level for iodine in adults is 150 micrograms daily. According to leading scientists, this is insufficient. We need as much as two to five hundred micrograms every day in order to get the optimal amount, they claim. This is supported by the safe upper intake level that was established by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) of the United Nations.
Healthy individuals can easily increase their intake of organic iodine sources from e.g. fish, shellfish, and seaweed that produces quite a lot of iodine in the form of iodides. Kelp and spirulina are also good iodine sources.
Supplements of potassium iodide are available in tablet form from various manufacturers.
People with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis should avoid taking iodine supplements, unless it is recommended by the physician. Too much and too little iodine increases the risk of this disease. It is also important to get enough selenium, as iodine and selenium work in close relationship.

Iodine content per 100 micrograms of the listed foods

  • Seaweed 36,000
  • Mussels 140
  • Salmon 65
  • Eggs 21
  • Fruit and vegetables 0.2 – 1.0

What can you do to avoid fluoride compounds?

Eco-labelled products have been available on the market for a long time in things as e.g. cookie sheets, muffin trays, and other products. With the new legislation, it is much easier to avoid food packaging that contains fluoride compounds.
Choose kitchen utensils without Teflon. Drink tap water instead of bottled mineral water (thas has higher threshold values for fluoride.)
When buying rain clothes, skiing clothes, snow suits, mittens etc., stick with non-fluoride brands. Frequent cleaning and airing out the house can help remove undesirable chemistry from your home. Also, do not swalow the toothpaste after brushing your teeth or use a toothpaste brand that does not contain fluoride. Actually, healthy teeth hinges on a lot of other factors than using fluorinated toothpaste.

Did you know that

  • The fluoride content in mineral water can be too high to enable the water to be approved as regular tap water?
  • Fetuses are particularly vulnerable if their mothers are exposed to many fluoride compounds?
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should make sure to get plenty of iodine?


Read also: Selenium and iodine make a strong team but are you getting enough?


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Kristian Sjøgren. Derfor skal der være jod I dit husholdningssalt. 31. oktober 2018

Rychlik W. The need for iodine supplementation. OMS 2017

Frederick R. Stoddard et al. Iodine Alters Gene expression in the MCF7 Breast Cancer Cell Line: Evidence for an Anti-Estrogen Effect of Iodine. International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2008

Anne Krejbjerg. Den Danske Jod – genundersøgelse af befolkningen efter jodberigelsen. Thyreoidea Landsforeningen 2014

Pernille Lund. Har du problemer med dit stofskifte? Ny Videnskab 2015